Frequently Asked Questions About GPS Monitoring

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Can Individuals order the monitoring?

Yes - in some cases parents order this device to monitor their teens.

In addition, on occasion individuals ask to be monitor to protect themselves against false alligations in restraining order issues.

Who does the monitoring?

All monitoring is performed 24/7/365 by the monitoring center, located in Sandy Utah.

On occasion, probation officers, the sheriff's department, or bail agents request to be monitoring participants as well.

Do you share my monitoring?

Monitoring is confidential and is not shared with anyone.

However, in criminal investigations, we are bound by law to offer location to law enforcement.

Who gets notified if there is a problem?

For self-monitoring we contact you directly, or anyone you have designated as a contact person.
Or we generally follow Minute Orders issued by the court or law enforcement. The supervising officer in terms of probation or court order will be notified.

Do you create activity reports of Offenders?

Yes, we can prepare Monitoring Reports available for each court date. Just let us know the date, and whom to send the report to.

Are the Monitoring Devices waterproof?

Our GPS device for electronic monitoring is waterproof, up to 15 feet.

Can someone wearing the Monitoring Device clear Security Check Points at the airport?

Yes, When traveling by air contact the airline of which you booked your flight with and ask what are the requirements when wearing an electronic monitoring device AKA ankle bracelet. If you are stopped at the checkpoint you can show them a copy of your contract and have them contact us for verification.

How does GPS tracking work?

The Global Positioning System functions as follows:

The GPS Receiver receives signals transmitted from orbiting GPS Satellites. Once these satellite transmissions are received by the GPS Receiver, crucial information such as location, direction, and speed are then calculated. A GPS Receiver generally requires transmissions from at least three GPS Satellites before effectively determining the correct position. (The term for the technique to calculate distance is: Trilateration.) GPS Receivers then measure the time delays between transmissions and reception of radio signals from each GPS Satellite.